Published 9 years ago
The Weed Blog – Travis Maurer
MUNNCH interviews the founder of “The Weed Blog” and “Show Me Cannabis” Travis Maurer at the Oregon Hemp Convention in Portland, Oregon.
Here is a little bit about The Weed Blog:
Founded in January of 2010, The Weed Blog was created for one purpose; to facilitate a constructive conversation about marijuana in America. This includes both medical and non-medical marijuana policy, as well as the marijuana industry and culture. The Weed Blog (TWB) is 100% independently owned and operated by three friends in Oregon. TWB has no obligations to any company, corporation, or political campaign WHATSOEVER. The only obligation we have is to the greater movement, and we will do whatever we can within the scope of our skill sets to do exactly that!
TWB strives to be the number one source for important marijuana-related information. All political views are welcome at TWB, as long as you are open minded and have constructive ideas. You can post ANYTHING, but you alone are responsible for what you write, and you may be called out by the masses if you are an idiot. If you follow TWB regularly, you will be so educated on the topic of marijuana policy in America, that no stranger, politician, lawyer, or law enforcement official will be able to take advantage of you, at least not without you knowing it!
Here is a little bit about Show Me Cannabis:
Show-Me Cannabis is an association of organizations and individuals who believe that cannabis prohibition is a failed policy, and regulating cannabis in a manner similar to alcohol would better control the production, distribution, and consumption of cannabis than the current criminal market system does.
We seek to engage Missourians in a serious, public discussion about the issues associated with the cannabis consumption, including medical cannabis, industrial hemp, public safety and financial analysis in order to address problems associated with the current, failed policy.
Our organization is currently in the process of finalizing a statewide initiative for the 2016 ballot to legalize and regulate cannabis like alcohol in the State of Missouri.