MUNNCH Interview with Medicine Man Technologies Matt Best, here is a little more about them:

In 2008, Pete Williams began growing cannabis in his Colorado basement as a licensed caregiver for medical marijuana patients. What began as a small enterprise with three 1000 watt high pressure sodium lamps has grown into the largest single dispensary/growing operation in Colorado. In 2009 with the release of the Ogden Memo (a letter from the U.S. Attorney General’s office stating federal law enforcement should not focus on an industry that is in compliance with state laws), Pete’s brother Andy saw the potential to begin a successful business venture. There was always an entrepreneurial streak in the family, and the brothers were no exception. After much research and many meetings, Andy and Pete’s mother agreed to become their first angel investor and Medicine Man was born. The brothers immediately saw the need to purchase property for their business, and managed to find just the right area in which to set up their facility. The purchase of property was an integral part of their business plan as it ensured that they would not be “held over a barrel” when lease renewal time came around. This continues to be a very successful strategy. Within this newly emerging industry, the brothers decided to create a legally compliant, commercially scalable business, employing industrial processes to create an economy of scale that would allow them to offer exceptionally competitive prices. To this day the brothers continue to invest in their business in order to deliver the best cannabis. Medicine Man’s continued success is due in large part to employing quality people, maintaining ethical integrity, and ensuring safety and compliance.