We’ll be attending and filming at the Rally for Cannabis Policy and a March for Our Rights with Jedediah Haney!
Meet us on the steps of the WA State Capitol Legislative Building at 3:00 P.M, after the Science/Earth Day events, as we gather to march to Heritage Park at the strike of 4:20 pm. Our March is a demonstration to the threats that Trump and AG Sessions have towards our plant, medicine and industry. The rally has been planned to also show our support for Maddie’s Law & Ducky’s Bill (HB 1060/SB 5290, More info on Maddie’s Law and Ducky’s Bill go to http://tinyurl.com/kbboq8b). For information on attending the march, go to https://www.facebook.com/events/403880143312551/ .
What: March on the Washington State Capitol.
When: Saturday April 22nd, 2017 from 3:00 pm till 6:00 pm.
Where: Legislative Building Steps to Heritage Park.
Who: Cannabis activists and rabble rousers.
Why: This rally has been planned to take a stand in solidarity against US AG Sessions’ statements on legal marijuana. We are also supporting WA State medical access bills – HB 1060 and SB 5290.
Produced by: Eric Miller, Aaron Cain, Jedidiah Haney.
WA State Rep. Brian Blake (Prime Sponsor of HB 1069)
John Barclay (Ducky’s Dad and MMJ Advocate)
Grandma Cat Jeter (Longtime MMJ Advocate)
Kirk Ludden, Viper PAC (Longtime MMJ Advocate)