As many of you noticed we were off-line for a couple of days this past week. I say “As many of you noticed” because we got a bunch of emails checking on us. For that, we say THANK YOU!!! It’s so great to know that you all are coming back on a regular basis!
As for the outage, we had some bad code get onto our site, and it was a nightmare getting it fixed. Thankfully, our tech shaman is THE MOST BADASS GURU on earth, and he took care of us better than we deserve. So, now that we are back, here’s a little insider info…
We are just about to close a couple of smokin’ partnerships that will make all of YOU very, very happy!! Stay tuned for some great announcements next week!! In the meantime, check out this interview with the homie Naomi Forkash, la mera mera of the THC Fair.